Flexitarianism, the new trend for the meat industry
Mixing grains or legumes with meat may be a solution to end the dispute between different classes of consumers, suggests Food Ingredients First magazine. Dutch company Meatless is presenting a new range of products that combine meat and grains/vegetables to address the new trend in the market called flexitarianism. According to the company, plant-based products can also be widely used in processed meat and fish products. Meatless products are among the most efficient plant-based natural ingredients available on the market, having an extremely low footprint (land use, energy use, water use and GHG output). "We have four principal varieties; wheat, fava beans, lupin and rice. We use whole natural foods only and the products are clean label and GMO-free. The rice variety is hypoallergenic and organic is available for all four raw materials. From 2010, we had an average annual growth of 20%. Currently, our output is around two tons per hour. 50% of our sales go to the vegetarian and vegan industries to improve succulence and texture. 50% is used as a new generation extension product for processed meat and fish products, either to improve succulence, substitute meat or fat, or to control cost price. It's very effective as a fat replacer and probably one of the best options around to develop tasty lean meat products", explains Meatless CEO, Jos Hugense.
This month, in London, the company is going to provide a live demonstration of the advantages brought by the hybrid products, when meat and plant-based alternatives are mixed together for those who miss something in a vegetarian product but still would like to reduce their meat consumption. This is not the first time when hybrid products are launched on the market, six years ago, Dutch company Vion trying to seduce the public with Hackplus, a similar type of product. Due to disappointing repeat sales, Vion's mixed product was dropped in 2013.
(Photo source: Delish)
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