EC prepares a workshop for hunters to tackle ASF

Hygiene & Biosecurity

In several regions of Europe, the wild boar population has developed in an uncontrolled manner, believes Vytenis Andriukaitis, Commissioner for Health and Food Safety.

Posted on Jan 08 ,11:08

EC prepares a workshop for hunters to tackle ASF

A long-term management strategy of wild boar populations must be tailored to the particular situation of individual Member States and be compatible with EU environmental legislation, including nature protection requirements, in order to control and eradicate African swine fever, concluded Vytenis Andriukaitis, Commissioner for Health and Food Safety after a ministerial conference, organised in Brussels by the European Commission (EC) at the end of 2018.
According to Commissioner Andriukaitis, in several regions of Europe, the wild boar population has developed in an uncontrolled manner. This plays an important role in the spread and persistence of the disease. Hunting practices are relevant to the epidemiological evolution of the disease. "We cannot ensure preparedness on ASF without considering the long-term management of wild boar in areas that are not yet affected by the disease", he declared.
A workshop for hunters is being organised by the Commission and the European Federation for Hunting and Conservation (FACE) in Dortmund on 30 January 2019 during a major meeting of European hunters. This will be an opportunity to increase hunters’ involvement in tackling ASF.
A long-term management strategy of wild boar populations must be tailored to the particular situation of individual Member States and be compatible with EU environmental legislation, including nature protection requirements. Since September 2018, Belgium has reported 164 outbreaks in wild boar population. Poland is confronted with both wild boar and domestic pig outbreaks and the same situation is reported in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and the Czech Republic.

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