Danish pig herd is expanding
The latest figures published by Statistics Denmark show that on 1 July 2020, overall pig numbers totalled 13.2 million head. This is a 5% increase compared with the same point in 2019. Expansion in the breeding herd had slowed as was anticipated the April census, although the herd was still 2% larger than the same point last year. The number of maiden gilts was still relatively stable on 2019; indicating that future growth in the breeding herd may continue to slow.
The largest annual growth was seen in numbers of slaughter pigs, which rose 11% from July 2019. Danish exports of weaners into Germany and Poland during January-May (latest data available) appear to have been lower year-on-year, which may have contributed to a higher headcount for domestic slaughter. Piglet numbers were 3% higher year-on-year in July, although this was slower annual growth than was seen in the April figures.
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