
Danish Veterinary and Food Administration to inspect 700 pig producers

Animal welfare

This year, four targeted control campaigns will look more closely at the health and welfare of animals in the Danish pig farms.

Posted on Mar 07 ,04:48

Danish Veterinary and Food Administration to inspect 700 pig producers

In 2019, pig farms in Denmark are under surveillance from the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration which is conducting four targeted control campaigns in the pig area to ensure that health and animal welfare requirements are respected.
700 pig producers will be inspected in this period for tail docking, antibiotic consumption, infection protection and the movement of pigs. "Danish animal welfare rules are among the toughest in Europe, and the industry has a great focus on living up to them. Here, the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration delivers great work by choosing a number of areas for extra thorough control every year. This year we also focus our attention on antibiotic consumption. We do this to ensure that Danish animals are well and generally healthy. These are some of the things that mean that there is great confidence and demand for Danish pig meat in the outside world", explained Environment and Food minister Jakob Ellemann-Jensen.
Another campaign will focus on whether the farmers are medicating their piglets according to the rules. In addition, the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration will look into whether owners of outgoing pigs comply with the applicable rules on fencing to prevent infection with, among other things, African swine fever. Finally, the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration controls whether the farmers have correctly registered the location of their animals so that the authorities can quickly trace the pigs and have them killed if they have had a serious animal disease.

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