Cyprus to enter Israeli kosher meat market
Cyprus looks to find a way to deal with the depressed market for sheep and goat meat appeared from low demand due to coronavirus crisis. One solution consists of opening the Israeli kosher market for these products but that also requires a law amendment allowing the slaughter of goats and sheep according to Jewish dietary laws.
Animal breeders demanded this export possibility from the Agriculture Ministry, as a way out from the problems arising from falling demand due to the closure of hotels and restaurants amid the coronavirus outbreak.
If it is to be adopted, the amendment will stay in place until the end of the year, announce the Financial Mirror newspaper. According to the General Secretary of Panagrotikos Farmers Union, Tasos Yiapanis, the measure could help 2,500 farmers and their families to secure a better price for their livestock. Concerns have been raised over animal welfare with objections from activist groups and environmental organizations, which consider kosher slaughter as more painful for the animals.
According to the latest short-term outlook from the Europea Commission, sheep and goat meat market in Europe is to be most impacted by the crisis, with Easter season already showing a significant drop in prices and demand due to the closure of foodservice sector is most of the countries in the area. Also, restrictions applied in the Middle East are expected to turn into low demand for sheep and goat meat over the Ramadan season.
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