Copa and Cogeca urges EU not to sell its agriculture in Mercosur deal

Copa and Cogeca have sent a letter to EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker opposing the EU move to give further concessions on agriculture in return for gains in other economic sectors to the Latin American Trade bloc Mercosur.

Posted on Feb 19 ,16:30

Copa and Cogeca urges EU not to sell its agriculture in Mercosur deal


Copa President Joachim Rukwied said “The EU has already given a lot on agriculture to the Mercosur countries in the trade negotiations, without getting much in return. It is unacceptable that the EU is increasing its offer on agriculture in the talks. Trade concessions must be minimized for our more sensitive sectors, namely beef, sugar, poultry, ethanol, rice and orange
juice imports to the EU”.

“We already import substantial amounts of agricultural produce from these countries and get no reciprocity from them. We need balanced trade agreements which respect our production methods. In view of the uncertainties in the Brexit talks, as well as discussions on the future Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and EU budget, we urge the EU not to make concessions on agriculture in the talks”, Cogeca President Thomas Magnusson warned. “Any further attempts to sell off agriculture in the trade talks will jeopardize growth and jobs in rural areas which run counter to the EU strategy of reviving rural jobs in Europe”, Magnusson concluded.

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