Copa and Cocega: No concessions for Latin America's countries
Officials of Copa and Cocega association are demanding a firm attitude from the EU Farm Ministers and EC representatives ahead of a Ministerial meeting on trade talks with countries included in the Mercosur group (January 30). "The EU has given far too much on agriculture to the Mercosur countries in the negotiations, without getting much in return."A Joint Research Centre (JRC) report shows a potential trade deal could cost the EU agricultural sector over 7 billion euros", claims Pekka Pesonen, secretary-general of Copa and Cocega.
Beef and poultry imported from Mercosur countries are some of the products that recently invaded the EU market, putting pressure on the local producers. "Over 75% of beef imported into the EU, mainly high-value cuts, are from Mercosur countries. For broilers, an extended offer in cuts could lead to a loss of outlets for 150 million broilers produced in the EU, reducing growth and jobs in our rural areas", mentioned Pesonen, according to a press release.
The Coppa and Cocega representative is also worried about the uncertainty over the Brexit negotiations, the development in the Common Agricultural Policy or the EU Budget and is asking the ministers and EC officials to minimize market access for beef, poultry, sugar, ethanol, rice and orange juice imports to the EU in the talks.
"We reject any concessions in the talks. Farmers and their cooperatives should not have to pay the price of a potential trade deal with Mercosur countries in return for concessions in other sectors", said the head of Copa and Cocega. A letter to express these concerns has been sent to EU Council, MEPs, European Commissioners for Trade and Agriculture and Rural Development Cecilia Malmström and Phil Hogan and Vice-President Jyrki Katainen.
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