Chinese buyers are becoming more sophisticated
SIAL China is becoming more and more important for beef producers in Argentina, says Mario Ravettino, vice-president of Instituto de Promoción de la Carne Vacuna Argentina (IPCVA).
"It is a fair that is already at the same level as the Sial of Paris or Anuga", explained Ravettino while stressing the fact that Chinese buyers are willing to demand other products and high-value cuts.
The Asian markets have proved to be promising since the first day of SIAL China, prices offered for the Argentinian beef showing a growing interest in this products. Operations were recorded that hovered around 5,300 dollars for the pennytail and the shoulder, 5,200 for some cuts of the wheel, 4,300 for the roast, 4,400 for the cow compensated in cuts.
"We are already working hard so that our meat begins to be recognized also in the East as one of the best in the world", added Ravettino.
Minister of Agribusiness of the Nation, Luis Miguel Etchevehere, arrived at IPCVA stand to congratulate the exporters and to assure them that the government will continue working for the growth of the chain through the opening of new markets, the consolidation of existing ones and the de-bureaucratization of the State. In addition, the Minister and the businessmen held meetings with local logistics companies and referents of the computer giant Ali Baba.
During the first day of the exhibition, the IPCVA stand was also visited by the European Union Commissioner for Agriculture, Phil Hogan.
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