China's broiler meat production expected to decline in 2018
Analysts from FAS say this fall in production comes after declines in 2017 and 2016 of 6 and 8%, respectively as the country continues to struggle with recurring HPAI outbreaks.
Referring to the Chinese producers, the FAS report indicates that the impact of the HPAI outbreaks on producers varied, some reporting only minor impacts, due to
improved biosecurity, while others have incurred higher losses due to depopulation, closures of traditional wet markets, and soft consumer demand.
The recent outbreaks of the H7N9 strain have primarily occurred in wet markets where yellow-feathered birds are predominantly sold.
In an effort to curb further spread of HPAI, the Chinese government has closed poultry sections at multiple wet markets. Because consumers prefer yellow-feathered birds based on taste and texture, wet market closures have constrained a marketing channel for these birds. As the stagnant broiler market continues, demand for traditional yellow-feathered birds will remain lethargic.
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