China simplifies the procedure for Brazilian meat imports
Due to the proposal of the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supplies, health authorities in China agreed to modify the format of the certification of official veterinarians authorised to sign International Health Certificates (IHC).
From now on, a single list of authorised veterinarians is created in any federal state of Brazil for the issuing of IHCs, instead of going to use the fiscal auditors of local authorities. According to the Ministry of Trade and International Affairs, this measure reduces significantly the possibility of the withholding of Brazilian shipments in Chinese ports based on divergences between the signatures included in the list and the IHCs issued by the Ministry of Agriculture of Brazil. The new regulations apply for beef and pork. In 2018, China imported meat from Brazil worth $2.5 billion, accounting for 17.6% of the total meat exports.
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This is intended to compensate for income losses caused by movement bans and the resulting market...
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