Chicken meat production in Turkey goes down
Turkey meat production increased by 9.4%, hen egg production decreased by 3.1%, the number of the slaughtered chicken decreased by 4%, and chicken meat production decreased by 4.4% in August compared with the same month of the previous year. Turkey meat production increased by 9.3%, chicken meat production increased by 2.1%, the number of the slaughtered chicken increased by 1.6%, and hen egg production increased by 0.03% in January-August period compared with the same period of the previous year, says the latest report from Turkstat.
Chicken meat production decreased by 10.2% in August compared with the previous month and realized as 156,605 tonnes. The number of slaughtered chicken decreased by 9.8% in August compared with the previous month and stood at 89.38 million birds. Hen egg production increased by 3.1% in August compared with the previous month and reached 1.6 billion units.
At the same time, turkey meat production decreased by 8.1% in August compared with the previous month, reaching 5,167 tonnes.
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