Cattle prices on the rise in Ireland says IFA
Mr. Woods said the general run of prices is €4.15/4.25/kg but as factories are very anxious to get tighter supplies more and more feeders are doing deals at the higher base price levels.
Angus Woods said the strong market demand is also reflected in higher cow prices with P and O grade cows making €3.50/kg and R grades up to 3.80/kg. Top U grade cows are on €3.90/kg. In addition, he said R and U grade bulls are making €4.20/kg with better prices for all U grades.
The IFA livestock leader said with the kill dropping back to 31,226, prices are continuing to rise. In addition, he said cattle prices in the UK are maintaining their upward movement with further increase in the last week. The R3 steer price in the UK for week ended May 5th was £3.74/kg equivalent to €4.47/kg. Angus Woods said demand for beef remains very strong across the UK and EU markets.
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