
Brazilian pork exports grow 16.6 percent in April


International sales revenue increases 29.9% in the fourth month of the year. Brazilian pork exports (considering all products, between fresh and processed) totaled 104,500 tons in April, informs the Brazilian Association of Animal Protein (ABPA). The volume is 16.6% greater than that shipped in the fourth month of 2022, with 89.7 thousand tons.

Posted on May 15 ,00:25

Brazilian pork exports grow 16.6 percent in April

In revenue, the balance of exports reached US$ 251.3 million in the period, surpassing by 29.9% the total exported in April 2022, with US$ 193.4 million.

In the accumulated result for the year (January to April), pork exports reached 379.4 thousand tons, a volume 15.9% higher than that shipped in the first four months of 2022, with 327.3 thousand tons.

In revenue, the increase recorded in the period reaches 29.7%, with US$ 897.7 million between January and April 2023, against US$ 692 million in the same period last year.

"Brazilian international sales grew in eight of the ten largest importing countries in the sector, in particular, in the five largest importers located in Asia and South America. Several factors influenced the positive balance in April and in the four-month period, from sanitary issues in local production in Asian markets to even the expansion of qualifications and new markets that are effectively starting to import from Brazil. In the first four months of the year, we produced an average of almost 95,000 tons per month", says ABPA president Ricardo Santin.

Among the main destinations for exports, China remained the largest importer of the Brazilian product, with a total of 143.2 thousand tons registered between January and April of this year, surpassing by 20.8% the exports carried out in the first four months of 2022. Others highlights were Hong Kong, with 42.2 thousand tons (+24.8%), Philippines, with 27.8 thousand tons (+19.5%), Chile, with 27.3 thousand tons (+69.3%) and Singapore, with 23.8 thousand tons (+18.7%).

In the survey of exports by state, Santa Catarina remains in the lead of Brazilian exports, with 207.2 thousand tons exported between January and April, recording a performance 13.7% higher than shipments made in 2022. Next are Rio Grande do Sul , with 89.1 thousand tons (+26.81%), Paraná, with 51.3 thousand tons (+0.54%), Mato Grosso, with 8.114 thousand tons (+119%), and Mato Grosso do Sul, with with 7.95 thousand tons (+63.25%). .

"The prospect of expanding and opening new markets and the expectation of maintaining volumes shipped to China and other important destinations, especially in Asia, with emphasis on high value-added markets such as Japan and South Korea, point to annual export levels in around 1.2 million tons in 2023, which would make Brazil even closer to the third largest exporter in the world, Canada", commented ABPA's director of markets, Luís Rua.

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