Brazilian exports of pork and poultry meat down in January
In revenue, exports of poultry meat in the month reached US $ 453 million, 12.9% less than the result of January last year, with US $ 520.2 million.
Exports of pork (all products, in natura and processed) reached 48.5 thousand tons, a volume 10.7% lower than the 54.4 thousand tons exported in the first month of 2018.
With this performance, the foreign exchange result of exports closed the month at US $ 91.6 million, a decrease of 17.8% over the balance of the same period of 2018, with US $ 111.4 million.
"There have been occasional retractions in the export flow, which should be resumed as early as February," explains Francisco Turra, president of ABPA.
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