
Brazilian chicken meat exports remain high in November


Brazilian chicken meat exports (considering all products, fresh and processed) totaled 375.6 thousand tons in November, informs the Brazilian Association of Animal Protein (ABPA). The number exceeds by 12.2% the total shipped in the eleventh month of 2021, with 334.7 thousand tons.

Posted on Dec 12 ,04:40

Brazilian chicken meat exports remain high in November

In revenue, sales of chicken meat in November totaled US$ 781.3 million, a figure 29.1% higher than that achieved in the same period of 2021, with US$ 605.3 million.
In the accumulated result for the year (January to November), Brazilian exports of chicken meat reached 4.436 million tons, a volume 5.6% higher than that shipped in the first eleven months of 2021, with 4.198 million tons.

Revenue accumulated by the sector in the year reached US$ 8.976 billion, a number that exceeds by 29.3% the figures recorded between January and November 2021, with US$ 6.944 billion.
"Despite the positive performance achieved in October, even more expressive numbers were expected. However, the logistical effects generated by landslides on highways in Paraná and the weather difficulties for ships to enter the Ports of Paranaguá and Itajaí impacted the performance of exports in the month. With the normalization of activities in the ports, the volume that was not shipped in November should positively reflect the performance of exports in December”, details the president of ABPA, Ricardo Santin.

In the survey by country, China, the largest importer of chicken meat from Brazil, imported 40.3 thousand tons in November (1.4% more than shipped in the same period of 2021). Other highlights were South Africa, with 27.8 thousand tons (+21.9%), Saudi Arabia, with 24.6 thousand tons (+28.9%) and the European Union, with 18.1 thousand tons (+ 17.6%).

"Other markets in Europe, Asia and the Middle East reinforced their purchases from Brazil this month, indicating positive projections for Brazilian chicken meat exports for this year. These are important revenues compared to the current cost of production, which remains high", analyzes the director of markets, Luis Rua.

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