Belgium: 60 milion euros for nitrogen reduction
The scheme is to run until 31 December 2027. The funds can be used by small to medium-sized livestock farmers in special protection areas. Farms in areas where the nitrogen pollution of the respective locations reaches a certain level can also join the programme.
The funds are granted in the form of direct grants. According to the Brussels authority, the scheme consists of three sub-measures: Firstly, all beneficiaries are compensated with up to 120% of the losses caused by the closure of their livestock farms. These losses relate to assets such as buildings, materials and animals. Demolition costs and severance payments to affected employees are also reimbursed. Secondly, farmers can also receive compensation of up to 10,000 euros for business consultancy. Thirdly, investment aid for the conversion to arable farming is granted amounting to up to 40% of the costs - 65% for young farmers - with the amount capped at a maximum of 600,000 euros per beneficiary.
In the past, the European Commission has warned Belgium several times about excessive nitrate levels in groundwater and surface water. In February last year, the EU authority even filed a lawsuit against the Wallonia region before the European Court of Justice (ECJ). In the opinion of Commission officials, not enough has been done in the Flanders region to combat nitrate pollution in water. A corresponding infringement procedure was therefore taken to the next level in the autumn.
In a reasoned opinion, the European Commission calls for full compliance with the requirements of the EU Nitrates Directive and urgent action to be taken to combat pollution. According to the authority, the quality of groundwater and surface water in Flanders has deteriorated considerably since 2020.
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