Beef production in Uruguay close to record levels
Uruguay may reach beef production close to record levels this year, according to a quarterly outlook presented by USDA. Total beef production this year may reach 615,000 tonnes cwt, the second-highest volume on record. Domestic consumption is projected at 160,000 tonnes, a recovery from 2021 as Uruguay begins to return to normal as a majority of the population has been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and is returning to restaurants. The country has also loosened border restrictions to boost tourism, one of the country’s economic pillars.
Beef exports for 2022 are forecasted at 490,000 tonnes cwt equivalent as a result of abundant beef supplies, strong foreign demand, and export limitations of several important competitors.
Cattle slaughter is forecast at 2.4 million head, the highest volume in the last 16 years as a result of plentiful calf crops in recent years, producers’ investment in improving genetics and feeding, but most importantly, lower exports of feeder cattle in 2019 and 2020 which is now showing up in the current and future slaughter, according to MercoPress agency.
The plant is operated by Smithfield Foods in Tar Heel, North Carolina, and involves a specific pr...
By emergency decree, the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) has permitted ...
According to the report submitted to the OMSA, there are 1,418 cattle of different age groups on ...