Avian flu outbreak reported by Dutch authorities
230 birds were discovered dead by avian flu triggered by the H5N6 virus and 37,000 were culled at the end of February in a farm the Netherlands. The news was confirmed by the local authorities and World Organisation for Animal Health.
The virus was discovered on February 24 at a farm inhabited by 37,866 birds in Olderkerk, in Groningen province. The flu killed 230 birds while the others were culled, reported Reuters.
The first security measures imposed by Dutch authorities includes a ban on moving birds, eggs and manure within a kilometre’s radius of the affected farm while tests are ordered to other poultry farms in the area. In December, another case of H5N6 was reported at a poultry farm in Biddinghuizen, about 75 miles south of Oldekerk, informs Centre for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRP) of University of Minnesota.
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