Australia: Goatmeat export surges amid record slaughter
Year-to-date slaughter is tracking 27% above last year’s figures, suggesting that annual goat slaughter could reach new records in 2024. There are no signs of slaughter slowing before the end of the year, with a 152% year-to-date increase. Over the past four years, goat slaughter has risen by 266%. If this trend continues, goat slaughter is expected to reach record levels.
The majority of Australian goatmeat is exported, and high slaughter have driven record-breaking exports. By October, Australian exports of goatmeat reached 42,004 tonnes - 51% higher than last year and the highest on record. In the first 10 months alone, exports surpassed the totals of any previous calendar year, meaning 2024 has already set a new record for goatmeat exports.
The United States was the largest market for Australian goatmeat, with year-to-date exports doubling from 2023 (23,182 tonnes). Looking ahead, strong US demand and a general protein shortage due to ongoing herd destocking creates a promising global environment for goatmeat as we move into 2025.
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