Argentine: More exports in January, with less slaughter and domestic consumption
January compared to that of December 2024, when correcting the series for the number of working days, fell by 11.7%.
Beef production was equivalent to 263.8 thousand tons of bone-in carcass in January 2025. Compared to December, production fell by 9.6%, correcting the data for the number of working days. It was the 2.3% increase in the weight on the hook of the slaughtered animal (which reached 231 kilos) that partially offset the drop in slaughter. Meanwhile, compared to January 2024, 1.5% less beef was produced. Once again, it was the increase in the weight on the hook that moderated the decline in the number of animals slaughtered.
The lower number of slaughtered heads was partially offset by an increase in the average hook weight of the animal.
Meanwhile, when considering the moving average of the last twelve months (February '24-January '25), the apparent consumption per inhabitant was 47.8 kilos/year, 8.1% lower than the average of a year ago, and remained the lowest of the last three decades.
Beef exports totaled 47,251 tons of product weight in December 2024 and, thus, in the last year they reached the historical record of 629,949 tons. In addition to the seasonal drop compared to November (-13.4%), in December exports experienced a year-on-year drop of 8.4%. In all cases, the explanation was the lower shipments to China. Meanwhile, in 2024, 11.8% more was exported than in 2023 and the maximum reached in 2020 was exceeded by 2.2%.
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