
Argentina's beef export crisis continues


Meantime, Uruguay and Paraguay have consolidated their position in the global beef market.

Posted on Sep 14 ,07:43

Argentina's beef export crisis continues

The ban on beef exports, placed by the Argentinian government in May, is taking its toll on the industry's performance in international markets. For a country that stands as the world's fifth-largest beef exporter and a key supplier to China, losses are now in the range of $100 million per month and a decrease in exports has left room for other competitors to consolidate their market share internationally.
Over the last two months, Uruguay and Paraguay have increased their beef exports, surpassing Argentina, whose shipments are now 50% of what was before the ban. Data provided for July by the National Meat Institute of Uruguay (INAC) showed a volume of 37,939 tonnes shipped abroad, compared to 36,113 tonnes of bone-in meat from Argentina.
Meanwhile, the National Service for Animal Quality and Health of Paraguay (Senacsa) reported that in the first seven months of this year, beef exports reached 211,650 tonnes, in addition to 38.2 million kilos of giblets.
At the end of August, the Argentinian government announced an extension of the ban until the end of October. Exceptions are made for shipments to the European Union through the Hilton Quota, the 481 Quota and the 20,000 tons per year quota granted to the United States.

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