Alliance seeks suppliers for merino lambs and hoggets
Last September, the group took on the full brand management of SILERE as part of the co-operative’s premium portfolio expansion and has spent the last 12 months exploring options to grow the markets and build the lamb’s profile as a luxury dining experience in the foodservice sector.
“We are looking for more fine-wool alpine origin merino to top up supply from November into
January and are currently talking with more farmers,” said Wayne Cameron, marketing manager Premium Products for Alliance Group.
“While we offer frozen SILERE products throughout the year, our marketing initiatives and the investment programme is strongly focused on our ‘best in season’ strategy for SILERE - promoting its story and benefits to the hospitality sector – with its high demand for premium seasonal produce," Mr. Cameron added.
Until now, the group has 40 farmers which provide merino for the SILERE season, which runs from late September through until January 2018.
Photo Source: Bernard Spragg. NZ/Flickr
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