
A new genetic program for beef producers


Heifers seem to play the key role in a new genetic program created for the producers in the beef business.

Posted on Jan 12 ,07:00

A new genetic program for beef producers

Jason Trumpf, the man behind the Bred Well Fed Well Beef program, insists on the critical role played by retained heifers in selecting the high genetic merit, according to MLA.

Trumpf believes that a higher number of heifers retained could improve the rate of genetic gain of their breeders along with multiple benefits regarding the productivity and profitability of their business.

“The higher percentage of heifer calves retained, the quicker producers can accelerate genetic gain. If your seedstock producer is making a measured genetic gain in the traits you want and you’re selecting the right bulls for your herd, a younger herd shortens the generation interval and allows more gene turnover.

Visually classing out a high number of heifers puts the handbrake on genetic improvement. This strategy keeps more new, improved genetics in the herd and enables the removal of old and late-calving cows”, points Trumpf.

In order for this program to work breeders need to aim for a heifer retention rate of at least 80%, establish tighter calving spans (a six-week joining is recommended) to produce an even drop of heifers and  to establish tighter calving spans (a six-week joining is recommended) to produce an even drop of heifers.

Breeding better heifers and cows is just one part of Bred Well Fed Well Beef, a program supported by MLA which provides producers with practical steps to select, breed and manage a profitable and productive herd.


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