Mongolia prepares support for meat storage facilities
Mongolia intends to increase its storage capacity for food and meat products, announce Montsame news agency. According to the source, a draft decree issued by the country's president with a special focus on the safety of meat and food products. In an irregular meeting, the government decided to convey some proposals to the draft.
In particular, some changes are proposed including improving the legal environment for trade of food raw materials of plant origin as well as wholesale and retail sales and issuing low-interest loans for a term of more than five years for building storage for food and meat products.
The cabinet also made proposals to provide support in building storage with a capacity of 500-1000 tons in rural areas and giving government support for establishing storage facilities and sales centers with nonstop operations financed by private-sector capital.
Mongolia is fighting foot and mouth disease for years and, since January, was hit by the African Swine Fever. However, the national swine inventory reported a year ago by Mongolia was of 33,000 head.
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