
"ASF is creating problems in negotiation with Japan"


The European pork industry can take a serious hit on exports due to the epidemic disease

Posted on Apr 29 ,12:06

"ASF is creating problems in negotiation with Japan"

African Swine Fever is creating problems for the pig industry in Europe as the foreign partners are putting negotiation on hold until the disease is contained.
"Last year, we were in pole position in negotiating pork exports to Japan. Now, ASF is creating trouble for the whole pork industry in Europe", mentioned Cristian Ioan Duicu, head of Romania's sanitation and veterinary watchdog (ANSVSA).
The same situation is encountered in the negotiation process with South Korea while the US authorities have delayed their audit mission in Romania from January until an unspecified date, said Duicu, speaking in front of the Romanian pork producers at the Industria Carnii conference held in Brasov.
Nevertheless, Romanian authorities are expecting in May an audit mission from Mexico which precedes the modernization of the EU-Mexico Global Agreement. The trade deal is in its final stage of development and it could boost European pork and poultry exports. Meanwhile, Romania has its own problems in increasing the pig production.
A program to support the increase of the domestic pig population is developed right now by the Romanian authorities, announced the Minister of Agriculture, Petre Daea, present at the same event. "There is a gap between our crop production and the pig population. Pigmeat does not cover the local demand. We have to increase the pig population to stop the grain exports as a commodity. Our program is targeting the farmers who are growing pregnant sows and are using local genetic material", specified minister Daea.

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